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Proud to be the UK’s Exclusive Supplier of BBA Pumps BV Series

With the BV dry prime sludge pump series, BBA Pumps offers a series of heavy-duty centrifugal pumps for use with abrasive liquids. These are specifically designed for the pumping of drilling sludges and bentonite to meet the toughest pump jobs.

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Key features of the BV bentonite pumps

  • Robust pump design
  • Connections for external flushing
  • MP100 priming system (100 m3/h air handling capacity)
  • Easy to clean floating box and large inspection covers for easy access
  • Available with electric motor or diesel engine, skid mounted or silent enclosure

Available with internal flushing system

BV series bentonite pumps are available with an internal flushing system. You can flush the pump with water after pumping through an external connection on the front panel. The internal flushing system is equipped with a manifold with ball valves. This sends the water for flushing to the critical parts of the pump and the vacuum system. This way the downtime during the pumping process can be minimized which ensures that the equipment is left perfectly clean after use.

Contact Us now for more information on BV Bentonite Pumps

If you are having trouble finding the suitable pump for your needs please contact 

02380 252 325