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Trusted PTO Driven BBA Tractor Pumps for Flood Control

As a manufacturer of mobile pump systems, we also have a number of PTO tractor driven pumps in our range. The demand for tractor driven centrifugal pumps comes largely from the agricultural sector. Customers working in agriculture have tractors readily available and there is a constant demand for pumping liquids, for example irrigation work, dealing with excess water or spraying thin manures.

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Tractor pumps for flood control

Another use case for PTO tractor pumps is flood control. Water boards and authorities responsible for water management can use tractor pumps in the event of flooding and high water. The cost investment for a tractor pump is lower than that of a diesel-driven pump and there is always a tractor at hand to provide the power. This gives the additional advantage of making significant pumping capacity available quickly in the event of a flood.

Facts about tractor driven pumps

  • Tractor-driven pumps are cheaper to buy than diesel or electrically driven pumps.
  • The centrifugal pump is driven via a PTO shaft on the Power Take-Off (PTO) of the tractor.
  • The frame under the centrifugal pump is equipped with a standardized hitch so that the tractor can easily connect, lift and drive with the mobile pump.
  • The range of speed and available power is sometimes limited on tractors; this needs to be taken into consideration when selecting a tractor pump.
  • Standard centrifugal pumps are not suitable for use as a tractor pump, this is due to the opposite direction of rotation of the tractor’s PTO.
  • BBA Pumps tractor pumps are self-priming or even dry self-priming by means of a built-in vacuum system.

Contact us if you would like to know more about Tractor Driven Pumps

If you are having trouble finding the suitable pump for your needs please contact 

02380 252 325